Food Mail
Hey guys!!! I Was reading a post i doN’t exactly REMEMBER where but I thought it was a really cool idea! :) sO i homeschool my 3 boys! AnD I love the idea of snail mail! And pEn pals for the kids well this lady Had introduced somEthing even more int She had people from all over send her Letters with their FAVORITE recipes famIly Recipes whichevEr with a little story behind it. It could be anything related to the recipe a holiday meal or a memory anything!!! :)
food is something that brings people togEther weather it be for tHe holidays or for sunday brunch food is usually the key factOr in all interactions! You can learn so much by a mean and whats in it! Everyone has their own style there own take on a dish! I invite you to share with my family yours! :)
406 MIDDLEBURY street goshen indiana 46528